科学、技術、知識をどう使うか?/How do you use Science, Technology and Knowledge?
A question asking “How do you use science, technology and knowledge” will be changed,
when you take the fact “One may use science, technology and knowledge in any way s/he may wish when they are imposed on the value of life of their owner”.
The right question is, “How do you (I) want to use what you are good at in society?”
A speech by Dr. Hiroaki Koide, a nuclear scientist at University of Kyoto, has inspired me. He talked about “Nuclear Plant, the melting down of its Myth of absolute safety”, Osaka, 13 May, 2011.
2011年5月13日(金)夜、小出裕章氏がメインとなるイベント『原発「安全神話」溶融』が、大阪の第七藝術劇場で開かれました。(Video is in Japanese)
〔引用 おわり)
では私はどうするか? Then what should I do?
I will continue working on building a bridge over a gap between People, Society and Technology.
ここで、ささやかですが私の取り組みをご紹介しましょう。Allow me to introduce my humble attempt as an example of may way of make it happen.
I am preparing a course thesis for a CSR course I’m taking at University of Geneva.
The theme is “How would we drive CSR evolution to adapt to the Information Society? — Lessons from Web Accessibility”
ましてや、Eコマースの急速に普及した時代です。ウェブは、情報を受け取るだけでなく、列車やホテルの予約をする、など、人が社会にかかわるための手段にもなりました。そのウェブサイトが、ディジタルネイティブでなくとも、誰にでも使えるように作られていることは、情報化社会におけるウェブサイトの社会的使命と言える ーーそこが、私の問題意識の原点です。
Webs have become not only a means to get information, but to interact with society, for example by booking tickets via e-commerce sites. Making webs accessible to a wide variety of people, even for those with disabilities, some visual impairments, difficulty in handling a mouse, is indispensable social role of web sites in Information Society. There are a group of people who are working on such web sites.
There is in reality a long way to go to see user-friendly web sites everywhere in the cyber space.
I wish that I could join with my thesis in the force with people who are working to promote accessible webs in society.