科学と現場の知との相互検証の重要さー福島原発事故から学ぶ/Critical importance of reality check – Lesson from Fukushima Nuclear Plant diaster
I have been interested all the time in spotting a gap between the science/technology and people/society, and to bridge between the two.
Learning from various information on the present disaster of Fukushima nuclear plant, I have realised a gap between the science and engineering, and that engineering is the bridge that makes science to bring benefits to people and society.
Please share with me two major peaces of information that spotted what is not reported in major press.
The first is a note from the press conference of an engineer who designed the Fukushima Plant, held at the Foreign Press Club in Tokyo, 16 March.
It has become evident that the accident was not only because of this unexpected bad luck of Tsumami.
While there was means to reduce damage even g the most unexpected size of Tsunami, the idea of damage-minimisation was not included in the designing of the Nuclear Plant. I’d suppose that this case is not an isolated one, as this way of thinking is not really new to me in my experience in Japan, even though with various degrees of importance and risks.
The press is in Japanese. This conference may be reported in various overseas press.
The second is a video clipping of Mr. Hirose, who has the first-hand experience of nuclear plants. His explanation has made me aware the difference between the nuclear science at laboratories and the knowledge of engineers on the ground, and what we should watch most to be prepared for the worst. (The video is in Japanese.)
We should keep improving theory on the desk and its practice on the ground through mutual check against each other. It does happen in reality that one must design an execution plan under pressure of limited time and budget constraints. The disaster of Fukushima Nuclear Plant, however, clearly proved that there are things too important to compromise.
Last but not the least, please take my sincere condolence for those who were damaged by the horrible disaster.
To everyone in Japan, I sincerely pray from the bottom of the heart that you will overcome this tough and sad period, without being polluted by radioactive.